10 Ways to Heal Yourself After Gluten Contamination

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Anybody who has been ‘glutened’ knows it only takes a tiny bit of it to make you feel totally miserable.

For most people, eating wheat won’t cause any side effect; as a matter of fact, for a lot of people, a bagel or muffin is the first thing they pick at the breakfast table. But for those with celiac disease or who are gluten intolerant, even a little gluten can cause a cascade of hurting reactions that can go on for days afterward. Gluten contamination is of constant concern for those who are gluten intolerant, but just what can gluten allergy cause to our body?

The symptoms a person who is allergic to gluten may experience after being “glutened” can vary. Almost immediately after they take gluten, the reactions start to show, usually as a feeling of becoming flushed with a drop in blood pressure. Symptoms of reflux may occur afterward followed by intense fatigue and stomach aches, gas and bloating which continues for the rest of the day. At night, insomnia is not rare, and the following day comes with gut pain and cramping and frequent bowel movements which are often watery or runny. Irritability, moodiness, and anxiety are persistent, and a lot of people find it hard to think well, which they explain as “brain fog.” Some also experience an itchy rash and joint pain. For some people, the harsher symptoms continue for two to three days before finally going away, but it can take weeks to feel right again. This is a big price to pay for tasting a minuscule bit of gluten.

10 Fast and Easy Gluten Contamination Recovery Tips

Eat smart

It helps some people to fast or only eat light, easily digestible foods for the first day or so after they have been glutened. Anything more than hot broth may make symptoms worse. Once you are starting to heal, stick to naturally gluten-free foods. Additionally, try to avoid anything your stomach isn’t used to, processed foods or those high in bad fats, and try not to eat out or otherwise you risk a double allergy.

Supplement with activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is usually used as an emergency treatment for poisons. It can also be used to whiten teeth and get rid of plaque. It’s highly alkaline and can adsorb (different from absorb) the toxins from your stomach and intestines, and lead them out of your body through the intestines. Though it’s best taken right at the beginning of gluten exposure, it can also work within the first 24 hours. Activated charcoal should be taken with lots of water to avoid constipation. The team behind BulletProof Coffee has their own Coconut Activated Charcoal made from coconut, which is said to be the best type to use.

Drink herbal teas

Ginger, mint and chamomile herbal tea are good for soothing the belly by allowing digestion and relieve an upset stomach or nausea. Drink herbal tea as needed. Add a teaspoon of local-sourced honey as a sweetener and to help heal!

Create or find a comfortable environment

It’s time to relax your body. Wear a loose-fitting dress to accommodate bloating. Run a warm shower or an Epsom salt bath. You can add relaxing oils like lavender to your bath. Bring a heating pad with you to work to soothe the cramps.

Get some sleep

Lie on your fluffiest pillows and soft bed and snuggle up. Immediately after you’ve had a gluten allergy, you should lie down and rest your eyes. Some discover that taking a Benadryl can help sleeping come easier, as many gluten intolerant people experience a painful combination of drowsiness and insomnia when they get a gluten contamination.

Fill up on fluids

Lemon water, coconut water, water, pomegranate juice, mint tea, ginger tea, marshmallow tea – everyone has their own preference when it comes to liquid remedy for glutening. Drink lots of fluids, especially those that have digestive enzymes that can help settle your stomach.

Medicate when necessary

A lot of folks associate detoxing with removing any and all substances that are foreign to the body. Sometimes a little medicine may be what you need to be a functional human being while ‘under the influence’ of gluten. You can have a little caffeine to get through the day, along with ibuprofen (not everybody can tolerate meds, talk to your doctor) for its anti-inflammatory effects. Antiacids may provide some relief, but make sure they’re gluten-free. If you do choose to take them, make sure you double-check that they don’t have anything that will make your condition worsen.

I’m not a huge fan of meds like ibuprofen myself, and prefer to stay away from putting chemically-made things into your body, but in extreme cases some people may benefit from this.

Stick to easy eating

Give your digestion time to rest. It is okay not have an appetite at all. Respect what your body is telling you. Soups, homemade juices, stews, cooked vegetables (stay away from starchy or fibrous veggies), fruit (non-acidic), or a boiled egg are some good choices.

Add L-glutamine

The healing powers of L-glutamine are not to be underestimated. I’ve written using L-Glutamien to heal your gut before, and I’m on board with research on it’s ability to heal body. Our body naturally produces glutamine; however, it is unable to produce it when we’re stressed out or our systems are compromised. Glutamine’s abilities include healing the gut lining, reducing inflammation and boosting immune function for preventing infections.

Take Probiotics

Almost everyone knows that healing the gut is vital for having good health. Toxins and inflammation disturb the balance of “good” and “bad” gut bacteria, but by taking probiotics you can reinstate a healthy ratio of good bacteria. Taking at least 30-90 billion a day during this period is good. It’s good to continue taking supplements if your diet doesn’t contain fermented foods.

The best way to discover the best way for you to handle gluten allergy is to try out anything that seems like it will work for you. Keep a small note of things that seem to work so when you’re in the midst of a gluten contamination, you would know just what to do.

Do you recommend something that I didn’t list here? How do you cope with being glutened? Let me know in the comments below!

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